Why Does Ruth Get Mad When Walter Gives Travis Money?
She is upset because Walter gave Travis another fifty cents, money she believes they can't afford to give to him. Walter's behavior indicates that he is more concerned with Travis's perception of their financial situation than with their real lack of money.
What Does He Want Ruth To Do Why Does He Get Upset With Her?
damn every egg that has ever existed! Why? Ruth tells him to eat his eggs after he tells her about his dream. She wants him to confront reality and deal with his current environment; he wants to converse and fantasize about a better existence. He feels dissatisfied and unsupported by her as a result of this.
Why Is Walter Hostile Toward Ruth?
Ruth does not share Walter's desire of using the money they are receiving from Mr. Younger to purchase a liquor store, which is why Walter is antagonistic to her.
What Happens To Ruth At The End Of Act 1?
Mama finds Ruth on the floor when she faints at the end of the scene. Lorraine Hansberry's debt to Richard Wright can be noted in the similarities between Hansberry's Walter Lee and Wright's Bigger Thomas.
Why Does Ruth Tell Travis To Get His Mind Off The Money?
Why does Ruth advise Travis to put money out of his mind? She wants him to just eat his breakfast and not concern himself with the money.
Why Does Ruth Deny Travis The Money?
Why does Ruth say Travis is not allowed to keep the money? She explained that she didn't have 50 cents to give him, therefore he couldn't have the money.
Why Is Ruth So Upset About Being Pregnant?
Because the pregnancy wasn't intended, Ruth is concerned. They wouldn't be able to afford to take on another mouth to feed. 28 Aug 2017
Why Is Ruth So Upset When She Returns Home?
(2) When Ruth gets home, why is she upset? Why do you think she is so upset about this? She informs them that she is two months along. She becomes angry about this because her apartment is too crowded, she works too much, and she doesn't have enough money to support her family right now.
Why Did Walter Ask Ruth Whats Wrong?
Why did Walter inquire as to Ruth's condition? Walter questioned Ruth about her condition because she appeared drained and grumpy. Why did Walter giving Travis the cash upset Ruth? They didn't have any extra cash, so Ruth was furious when Walter gave Travis the money.
What Has Changed With Ruth And Walter'S Relationship?
How does the dynamic between Ruth and Walter develop during the play? With the money and the new home they are moving into, Ruth and Walter's relationship begins to improve as the play goes on. They will be able to keep the child thanks to this residence.
Why Does Walter Get So Upset With Ruth And Mama?
Why does Walter yell at Ruth and Mama so much? Walter believes he won't receive the money to use for his business. What can we infer about Walter's personality from their conversation?
What Is Walter'S Reaction To Ruth'S Condition?
What is Walter's first response to Ruth's state? What does mother think about Ruth's situation? He is upset and claims that Ruth would never do it. Walter is instructed by mother to convince Ruth he wants the kid in order to prevent her from killing it.
Does Cade Sleep With Ruth?
“No. We were quite explicit. When he was sentenced to prison, she was nine years old. There was no unwelcome closeness between the father and daughter. 19 Feb 2022
Does Ruth Abort The Baby In A Raisin In The Sun?
Ruth believes having her kid aborted is the best course of action for her struggling family, despite the fact that she detests the concept. Ruth ultimately decides to retain her child, though. She finds comfort in the knowledge that the Younger family will soon relocate from their claustrophobic, roach-filled flat and into a new home.
What Happens To Ruth After Her Second Donation?
Following her second gift, Ruth passes away (Chapter 19, 100%).
Why Does Ruth Want The Money?
Ruth is driven by her desire to provide for her family, especially her mother, and to support them, but her lack of financial resources prevents her from doing so.
What Is The Relationship Between Travis And Ruth?
Ruth Youthful the mother of Travis, Walter Lee Younger's ten-year-old son, and his mid-30s wife. In the majority of volatile family situations, Ruth mediates a resolution.
How Did His Attitude Change Once He Got The Money?
How did he behave differently after receiving the money? he becomes more energized and confident.
Why Did Ruth Not Give Travis 50 Cents?
Answer 1: Ruth declines Travis' request for fifty cents since she is aware that the family cannot afford to pay for it. Travis offers to carry groceries to make money, but Ruth is worried about her son's health because of the chilly weather. 28 Feb 2016
Why Does Travis Ask Ruth For 50 Cents?
Because Travis' instructor instructed all children to bring money to school, Travis asks Ruth for fifty cents.
What Is The Dream That Ruth Wants For Travis To Achieve?
Ruth had a fantasy like Mama did. She wants to have a happy family, and she sees owning a bigger, nicer home as a step in that direction. Ruth's ambition is also delayed because she and Walter must live in a cramped apartment where their son, Travis, must sleep on a sofa due to a lack of funds.
Does Ruth Want To Get An Abortion?
Ruth thinks about having an abortion after learning she is expecting. She ultimately decides against getting one, though, as she and her family are moving into a house and she is confident that they have enough space for a new baby. 11 Jun 2022
How Does Walter React To Ruth Being Pregnant?
Walter thinks Mama's opinions to be naive and cannot accept them. Walter is finally informed by Mama that Ruth is pregnant and debating having an abortion. Although Walter is surprised, he maintains that Ruth would never consider doing such a thing.
Does Ruth Tell Walter About Her Pregnancy?
Walter learns of Ruth's pregnancy via his mother, who is aware that Ruth is thinking about having an abortion—which was against the law at the time—and that Walter Lee needs to be aware of this and support his wife.
What Is Travis Excited About Why Does It Upset Ruth So Much?
Why is Ruth so unhappy about it? The rat that Travis and his companions caught has him very happy. I wasn't sure why Ruth was so upset by this, but based on what I could see she might have felt helpless that her kid had to bring such horrible facts into their recreational activities.
Why Is Ruth Unhappy In A Raisin In The Sun?
Due to her family's difficult financial circumstances, she is forced to work both as a domestic worker—someone who cleans other people's homes—and as a working mother. Ruth and Walter's marriage is in danger, and both of them are dissatisfied with their lives. 14 Dec 2021
What Are Walter And Ruth'S Attitude About Money?
Travis requests for money for school and receives different reactions from Walter and Ruth. What is the financial outlook of Walter and Ruth? Given their financial situation, Ruth is sensible, so Walter only offers Travis 50 cents.